What policy do you think would best create jobs and grow the economy? SELECT UP TO 3.
How do you think the government can best support Canada’s future economy? (Select 1)
What are the most important ways the Government of Canada can help ensure that no Canadian gets left behind? SELECT UP TO 3
What are your top priorities for Budget 2024? SELECT UP TO 5
If you were designing the federal budget, what would you do to help grow Canada’s economy?
What is one idea you have for how the federal government can support you or your community?
Which best describes your current housing situation?
Which of the following is the biggest financial concern for you or your family? SELECT UP TO 3
When considering your monthly expenses, which is most concerning? SELECT UP TO 3
Which of the following best align with your current financial goals? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY
Now a few last questions to help us understand the results:
What province or territory do you live in?
Which of the following age groups do you fall into?
How do you identify yourself?
In what capacity are you completing this survey? (Select 1)
Do you identify as any of the following?
Which of the following categories best describes your total household income? That is, the total income of all persons in your household combined, before taxes?
Formal Submissions
We are actively seeking and accepting formal submissions, including official letters or papers, which can be sent through the formal submission button below or to Budget2024@fin.gc.ca
Next Steps
Your feedback will be reviewed by the Department of Finance, and considered alongside the research that economists at the Department are conducting to help inform decisions on the next budget.